Saturday, April 5, 2008

Not Sleepy Tonight

OK its now 4.05am and I am sooo not sleepy. Just worrying about Alexia away helping at a Brownie Camp. We got rung to say that she had had a fit (she has epilepsy) and that she was OK and didn't want to come home. They were still OK to have her there as well but still she's not here where I can see her - if you know what I mean. She hasn't had one since the end of December last year and prior to that was June last year so they are few and far between but I know that she is going to be really annoyed/upset and just downright p****d off because she has to have 2 years seizure free before being weaned off her medication and now it all has to start again. So that is why I am sitting here at this time checking blogs, leaving comments, reading the SE forum, checking out Trade Me, reading emails etc etc etc.

Will upload some layouts I did at Tanyas crop in the morning - very pleased with myself as I did about 4 of them. Certainly does help to make up page kits to take along.


Mel said...

Argh,thats awful. I can totally understand how you feel. When your kids are not 100% YOU WANT THEM WITH YOU. My mom tells me that never changes....even now, my mom is always concerned when I am unwell or life is kicking my ass. Guess that is just how we moms are hardwired!

Hope you do get some zzzzz's though. Look forward to seeing your LO's.

Anonymous said...

frustrating to say the least with having to start all over again and because you can not be there or just be with her. Hope you manage to get some sleep some time today.

tanyaleigh said...

WOW! 4am. I hope you have managed to get sleep or get some today. We mothers never stop worrying and she must be ok if she doesn't want to come home. Take care!

Trace said...

Scary for you Vicki, no wonder you couldn't sleep. Hope you get a chance to hit the hay and catch up on some sleep this afternoon.

Mrs Frizz said...

4 layouts ... most impressed. Go YOU!!!!

Shame about your yound lady tho ... but she must have thought she could cope and be okay if she didn't want to come home. Doesn't make it any easier as a parent tho, knowing she is there and you are somewhere else.

Take care and smile buddy!!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder you can't sleep - I guess you just want to be with her and that's totally natural. I'm sorry to hear about her fit. I hope she's okay. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Thats awful! But good on her for wanting to stay on, what a strong girl!
Bother about the meds. My friends son has the same problem, he was almost off them and the bam! Such a pain.
Hope you get a nap today.