Sunday, September 30, 2007

Daylight Saving

Today the clocks went forward one hour so I don't feel guilty sitting here typing at 11pm at night as I know it is really only 10pm. The first few days are always a bit mucked up until you get used to the new time - meal times are a real pain though as don't feel like eating at the new time as its too early. Got round that tonight as didn't have to cook as Andrews parents came round and went and got Pizza Hut. Good Sunday night holiday food and who cares what the time is as I didn't have to cook!

Took Alexia out to Blue Skies this morning to help with a Guide camp for her Ranger service but they were staying on "normal" time and we were there an hour early for them. She walked round most of Kaiapoi on an Amazing Race and had really sore feet - they did say to wear comfortable shoes. She had fun anyway and is slowly chipping away at the 40 hours of service that she has to do for her Queens Guide Award. Am leaving this one up to her to do as I felt like I pushed and pushed her to finish her Guides Aotearoa Award - drove me nuts.
Rebecca went babysitting last night and didn't get home until after 12 only to help us finish the jigsaw puzzle through to 1.30am. Boy are those things addictive! Have taken a photo of it and hopefully will get it onto Trade Me if Aaron lets me!

Entered another 8x8 layout into the SE Friday night challenge. This is of Rebecca at 22months and had to use pink, a black pen and ribbon or fabric. Happy to have another page done in my favourite photos album. Will try and put it on here and see if it works.

Yep - that is so clever of me however it ended up at the top of this post and took me a while to figure out how to put it in the right place. Hey Tanya - didn't I do well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA....yes you did well there Vicki. I love the layout you did, love the!!!