Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Aaron

Aaron turned 12 yesterday which in itself is not a problem however when he tells me that next year he will be a teenager I get the heebie jeebies. Three teenagers in one house is a scary thought and I suddenly feel really old. Anyhow he had a really good day but did wake at 4.30am and then was so excited he couldn't get back to sleep. He got lots of "making" things like kite flying kit, glow in the dark skeleton, balloon animals and a big 1000 piece puzzle. He also got a new skateboard. Nana made him a bean bag and got him a new mink blanket - I'm guessing that this is going to be his new bed for a while. He's a good one for sleeping on the floor and I gave up on sheets and duvet for him years ago so hence the mink blanket. It was his choice to go to KFC for tea and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. After our last trip there I vowed never to go back as I really didn't like their food handling but a big rebuild of the place seemed to be for the good. Our kids decorate their own cakes - I just have to make it - so he chose blue icing on a chocolate cake and puts lots of M&M's, jelly snakes and fizzy lollies. He was not happy with his sisters pinching the lollies and called them seagals -get it - instead of scavenging seagulls they are seagals. Very clever and sure to stick.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Aaron! Sounds like he got some great pressies.

Did he get the Weetbix cards I sent? Yours arrived today, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aaron! Sounds like a very interesting birthday cake you made there. Hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed your dinner at KFC.

Rochelle said...

It sounds as if Aaron had a great birthday, awesome pressies too! I love his take on the Seagals, very funny! hehe Like your idea for the kids to pick their own cake, it's nice to get them involved. Sounds like your Senz weekend was good too. :)