Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Mail

Yahoo! Today was the day for lots of happy mail - both sorts - the hand delivered sort and the mailman sort.

Tanya delivered some Christmas presents for the kids - really really cool santa suit bags filled with chocolates and lollies. Lucky me also got a beautiful Christmas box with a gorgeous decoration and a pressie inside but am going to be real good and leave it under the tree until Christmas. The mailman brought me a lovely tag card made by Michelle (mich) and also my Secret Santa gift. Now this one, I have looked at, but its Tanya's fault as she made me!! Its also very cool with lots of goodies and will do a photo later probably Boxing Day when my Secret Santa is revealed.

Had a "Just 'Cos" day out with Tanya. First up we went to a scrapbook sale. Yep, thats right and it was a closing down sale!! Had 50% off everything except papers which were all $1.00. So got 30 Basic Grey papers, Jenni Bowlin journalling cards, Tombow, 2 refills for my sticker maker, 2x Queen & Co felt fusion and a wooden album cover, all for the grand total of $60. Really wanted some cricut (anything would have been OK) but there was none. We ended up at Cobb & Co for lunch followed by a bit of Christmas shopping.

As for Shortland Street tonight - what a let down. Talk about it all happening in the last 5 minutes but must admit did not think it was Joey. Hope Tania gives him what for - right where it hurts!


Anonymous said...

Im with you on Shortland St - bit of a let down after waiting months. Damn silly of Joey to go for her when she has a knife in her hand!! LOL
The car accident will probably be more major than finding out who the murderer is.
aww exciting times with all the Happy Mail arriving!! Must feel like Xmas LOL

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful sounding Friday. Sounds like lots and lots of fun! So glad that you and Tanya had heaps of fun!

I totally agree with you about Shortland St

KiwiMich said...

glad you liked your happy mail :)