Saturday, December 29, 2007

Secret Santa Revealed

Its.....Julie B from Invercargill. Many thanks Julie - its been a great Christmas.

Got a bit carried away today in packing up some of the Christmas ornaments and before I knew it the kids had taken the trees down and packed them away. So, it would appear that Christmas is well and truly over for us in this house this year. Still have the outside lights up though and they might just stay up until Andrew remembers to take them down as I can't reach them. LOL.

Did some of the sales today and got some more lights and candy canes (ready for making into reindeer and sleighs next Christmas). Aaron bought himself a soft toy penquin which we thought was half price and I'm sure when I went to school half of $8 is $4 not $5. If I had paid for it I wouldn't have worried about it but because it was his pocket money, I queried it and it turned out that they actually had 75% off. That made his day because he got a bigger refund! Was our bargain of the day. Got Alexia some new togs at Millers. She was a bit reluctant at going into an "old ladies shop" and hoped none of her friends spotted her, but was really pleased with the togs once she tried them on.

Starting to think about what is going on my list for 2008 - don't really do resolutions as I don't usually stick with them but lists I can do! Off to do some comments on those of you still blogging at this time of year.

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