Monday, March 24, 2008


Four days seem to have flown by so fast.

On Friday we got stuck into the garden and planted the plants down the fence line that we had bought the previous night. It is so nice now to look out the lounge slider to greenery and not just the boring brown fence.

On Saturday it was cold and drizzly so I scrapped. Finished off my Book of Me layouts for March. Did my 10 Greatest Joys, My Bucket List, My Dream Job and a Special Letter from my friend Colleen. I thought my Bucket List be easy but it was harder than I thought. My list mostly involves travel as we haven't done much of this. Very funny that Trace is heading to Antarctica whilst I'm going to Alaska on our lists. Would put photos here but blogger not co-operating with any.

Rebecca surprised us with a Cadbury Moro Gold Easter egg after she finished work on Saturday. So totally unexpected and isn't she such a good girl thinking of her parents. My in-laws gave us a family present - a 1kg egg - guess who's going to make a start on it first!

On Sunday we went out to the dog show again but the people and dogs we went to see weren't there much to our annoyance so finished fluffing in the garden - lawns etc.

Today the lawn edges actually got the big chop - this is what I have been waiting 4 years for. Andrew is very fussy and it has taken most of the day for him to do this. I just had to stand there and say he was doing a good job and provide the coffee and lunch. Next weekend the bark chip goes down and then we can finally say the landscaping for the front of our house is finished. Yahoo!

Finally check out what Annelie is up to on her blog - got to be in to win!!!


Anonymous said...

sounds just like the easter we had planned LOL
The easter break is the only decent time we get to do a tidy up around home - damn - guess it will have to wait till next easter now *sigh*
What a nice daughter buying you an easter egg - (must show my brats!!)

Anonymous said...

Good job getting so much scrapping done! Wow! I am looking forward to seeing all the latest BOM layouts in the gallery.

A 1kg chocolate egg!!! As much as I want my boys to ration their Easter chocolate, I also want it to be GONE so I am not tempted to sneak any!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful productive time at your house scrapping and lawn wise. Awww thoughtful daughter and in laws.

Lesli said...

Sounds like a very busy time - but productive!!! I hope you had a blessed holiday!

Trace said...

LOL - we will both end up with lots of photos of icebergs!! Isn't it great to get all that work done around the house. Vicki, I hope your making a good dent in that Easter egg, chocolate goes off pretty quick ...hee hee hee. I love your BOM pages, they are just great.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Easter and lots achieved! Way to go Vicki and Family!

Mel said...

I am also having blogger issues with uploading pics. So weird, my format bar disappears for weeks at a time.

I would love to do a BOM,would you mind sharing your "headers" for each page? Or have you already done that earlier on your blog :<

Alison said...

What a busy weekend you have had. I love you BOM pages over at SE they are very cool.

Anonymous said...

I mowed our lawns this weekend, a GIANT job lol. Sounds like you guys got a lot done, yay!
Happy Easter Vicki!

Anonymous said...

Wow - congrats on getting those BOM challenges done!! Easter is the best weekend for that big tidy up before winter isn't it? Glad you were able to make busy work of it :O)