Monday, January 14, 2008

Been Scrappin'

Perhaps I better throw a wobbly a bit more often - seems to have kick started the scrappin' mojo big time!! Have done about 4 and also the New Years challenge. Here are just a couple of them from this week. This is when I first got a digital camera and seem to have a huge amount of Aaron taken in April 2005 but am getting a bit fed up with all the yellow and blue. Just had to tell the story of Aarons ducks.

And also about his favourite clothes at age 9.

And here is one of my wooden spoon. This has been hanging around my laundry for the past 17 years. It started out by stirring the dirty nappies in the bucket (yes I actually used cloth nappies in the old days! LOL). Now it is looking a bit sad as it has finally snapped and up for replacement so thought I would take a photo before tossing it out and do a "Nic Howard" and scrapbook it!!

Here is the one for the New Years Challenge at SE and yes thats me. Did an 8x8 as I'm not sure if I want to do a 12x12 Me album but thought that I could alter this if I change my mind about the size of the album.

Just have to get started now on Donna's CJ.

In family matters we left Alexia at Jamboree, a bit nervous and excited - thats both her and us. It was very windy here on Friday afternoon and they had a lot of tents still to go up so left them to it. She texted us on Saturday as we needed to sign a permission form for her to be able to fly a plane - thats a real one - and she was making sure that we would come to the open day to do it and also bring more hand sanitiser. She must have been worried that we wouldn't come as she sent about 5 texts and then rung us!! They are being real vigilant over the handwashing and she had already gone through one bottle of sanitiser in 2 days! We went to the open day and found her OK and even managed to find our wee friend Georgie from Blenheim so was able to let her Mum know that she is having a blast. Forms all signed and now Alexia can't wait to fly. She went rafting in the Avon on Saturday and also abseiling on the Port Hills. She has abseiled here before so wasn't worried. We didn't stay too long as it seemed like she couldn't wait to get back to her friends and the other two were getting a bit bored. They are very well organised although the rangers are a long way away from the Guides and have a bit of a hike to get to their catering tent for their food. Will do her good! We are really missing her and wondering all the time what she is up to.


Alison said...

Sounds like everyone is keeping busy. I love your layouts, now that is something i would like to create. I htink i have to face it no matter how much i try to be creative i am jsut a simple scrapbooker, which is fine.

Anonymous said...

I really love those layouts, Vicki! And good on you for remembering to take a photo of your wooden spoon ... make sure you scrap that as well! What a story!

Mrs Frizz said...

Yep, I'm thinking that your wooden spoon has done it's time. I used to use real nappies as well, many moons ago and it was one of the first things that I did every morning, was wash and hang out nappies. I too have stirred the nappy bucket with the wooden spoon and napisan ... that took me back a while.

Trace said...

Georgous layouts Vicki. Hope she doesn't take up flying planes as a hobby, 'cos if you think we spend a lot of money LOL...and a bit nerve wracking from a parents persepective (my nephew did it for a while).