Thursday, January 10, 2008

Its Been One of Those Days

Today I spit the dummy and threw the toys from the cot and if I was 2 years old I would have stamped my feet too! Have been trying to get Alexia packed up ready to go off to the Guide Jamboree tomorrow. We started yesterday but it was not a happening thing and I told her she had the attention span of a flea and was wound up like the energiser bunny. I ended up leaving her to it and having some retail therapy instead as she was driving me nuts. Tried again today but she argued with me over everything that went into her bags! There were 2 things I was insisting on but she wasn't having it. One was her medication which I thought would be safer in her big bag and left in the tent rather the whole 10 days worth being carried around all over the place. If she lost her pack then she would be in trouble without it but she just couldn't see it. The other thing was just a simple case of denial that she would need something I was insisting on going into her pack. Her reasoning for both was I will do it when I get to camp - YEAH RIGHT! There will be so much going on and people coming and going to even remember what day it is let alone do this for your mother. I may suss out who holds the medication whilst she is there anyway but since starting High School have found that it is the kids responsibility as she has never had it taken off her.

I keep telling myself it is a phase. So you see people, that not only 2 year olds have phases it extends to 15, nearly 16 year olds, as well. I know there is a nice, unselfish, undemanding person inside just waiting to come out as we have been there, done that with her older sister. So, today I am feeling really fed up and wondering why I bothered making her nearly 50 swap pins yesterday, hemming 2 pairs of 3/4 pants today, getting her a disposable camera and giving her spending money for the privilege of spending time with 3000 other people and having a blast doing it. Considering that I was the one who fundraised all of last year for it then perhaps I should be the one going!! Its a phase! Its a phase! I'll just keep telling myself that. Have also realised that I really need to pick my battles.

One good thing though, I took my aggression out on the ironing pile and did the lot. I absolutely loath ironing so its a good thing that its done and I feel better for it. However when trying to stuff Aarons clothes into his drawer, I broke the runners. Haven't managed yet to fess up to Andrew about that yet!

Grandad took Aaron and Megan fishing today around Redcliffs, Sumner and then back to the Avon. Apparently only Grandad caught a starfish. He teased Aaron this morning about whether he had his bucket and knife and Aaron was really worried that he would have to actually kill a fish. (He's not good with blood and likely to faint). Up to now its been a catch and release thing so he was most relieved when Grandad said thats what they would do. Nana said the look on his face was priceless.

Neither Alexia or Grandad have heard about the jobs yets so its not looking too hopeful for either of them.

Thats about it for now - am off to watch the final of Survivor but it is spoilt for me this time round as I inadvertently found out who the winner was a couple of weeks ago when watching another programme. Just a tad annoying!


Mrs Frizz said...

Kids, you've gotta love them ... they can drive you insane one minute and you feel like throttling them and then they do something extra special, making you feel all gooey inside.

I know exactly where you are coming from regarding the fundraising ...

Anonymous said...

Aaagh!! How frustrating for you! Nice (not!!) for me to know this will continue for many more years! LOL! But seriously, I hope that while she is away, something will trigger a little alarm reminding her to thank her dear mum for all the hard work and thoughtfulness. Sometimes kids just don't see past themselves and the next 24h!!

Anonymous said...

awww poor you Vicki - I know exactly how you feel.
Sometimes a hissy fit is the only thing that gets thru to them....we should do this first lol
I watched the final of survivor too - havent followed this series too much but enjoyed the final.
Hope you enjoy the next 10 days lol

Angela said...

I hope Alexia enjoys jamboree, and you get the medication side sorted out, I think your best bit is to find an adult that will be there.

What dates are you going to Aus, and have you booked your accomodation? Email me, four.mcs at xtra

Trace said...

Oh well at least you got through a pile of ironing!! And they didn't bring you home the starfish...