Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Its Been a Productive Day

Finally we have had a huge tidy up throughout the house and especially in the kids bedrooms. We now have 3 piles of "stuff" - one for Trade Me, one for the rubbish and one for the mission. The housework is done and I can see the floor again. The kids have got back into doing their jobs although I'm sure Aaron just gave the dusting a bit of a flick. He has cleaned out his bookcase as it still had all his "baby" books on it and he was running out of room. Bit of shame really as it means he has really moved on from all the old favourites. One thing my kids don't suffer from is a lack of books! I am a big reader and so are they all except to get Aaron into it we had to buy him books that he related to. When he was little anything that had a duck in it did it for him. Still does, I might add. Bit of a trip down memory lane going through this big pile and some of them have since made their way back onto the shelf! Now just have to find somewhere to store them as I am not very good at getting rid of books.

Here is a layout I have done from the December Kit with a Rhonna Farrar paper thrown in. Not too sure about all those little beads though and I'm sure there must have been an easier way of attaching them. Glue and I are not really the best of friends.

Aaron is out with his friend Megan fishing in the Avon River with her Grandad. I hope he doesn't bring anything home! He just loves it but unfortunately for him neither Andrew or I do. Will just do a quick edit here - he has just come home and of course we have the story of the one that got away - apparently it fell off the line!!!

Alexia has a job interview tomorrow morning at the new Bunnings which is opening a couple of streets over in March. It is a group interview and she was schooled up by Grandad today on what to expect as he has also applied and had his interview today. He will be 70 in April and so not ready to retire but thought a little part time job there would just be right for him as its just over his back fence. So good luck Lex and Grandad.

Just realised what a hotchpotch of a blog this one is and also am over the 1000 post mark. Thanks guys although am sure that half of them are me!!! LOL.


Alison said...

Sounds like a very productive day. Im hopeless at getting rid of books as well and I love buying books, the boys have too many really. How is it that you can write so much in one posting...I find it hard to write that much each posting

Anonymous said...

I know I am really going to struggle when I have to get rid of some books. At the moment we have only purged the real "baby" books (like board books, etc) and they were given to Rob's brother for his little boy. But we have TONS of picture books and I know one day I will have to get rid of some. I will find it hard, I'm sure! Books are so precious.

Great layout - I really love how you've used that other pp in with the kit stuff. I can't see the beads in the photo, but how did you attach them? I use Dimensional Magic and tweezers, very easy and not messy!

Kate, Dave and the kiddlets said...

gorgeous layout Vicki. Just saw that you love Diana Gabaldon too, mmmm that Jamie Fraser is a hunk! Oh and it's a good story too lol!

Trace said...

Doesn't it feel good when you have a day like today. It looks like a lovely spot you visited yesterday, had to laugh about the boys not wanting to be seen to be beaten by a mere girl!

Trace said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Vicki! LOL wish I was getting fit, but the truth is I swim for just a bit, and then happily float around!!! Still assuming the weather's good tomorrow a group of us are going for a day walk in a lovely gorge a couple of hours drive from here. And then we'll eat lunch LOL!!

Mrs Frizz said...

Love that layout ... sensational.