Just been having a play around with the new camera and discovered macro - its very cool. This is just one of my many miniature roses.
Have all three back at school tomorrow. YAY - me time. Tanya and I are going shopping!!
Andrew is busy putting the final touches to his speech for the Powhiri tomorrow morning to welcome the Year 9 students. He did really well last year speaking in Maori - so much so that the girls didn't realise it was him. LOL. He's been having lessons for the past 6 months so should be really good this year. For once he's not stressing about it.
It was a pretty relaxing day round here today. Andrews parents brought round a couple of trees that they had dug out and all donations gratefully received here thanks. Fluffed around with a couple of layouts but nothing wonderful. One was of Aarons school photo - why do they have to put the year on it now, its so annoying. Rebecca was at work and Aaron finally got to "spend" his Subway card at lunchtime. Alexia hid away in her cave most of the day listening to Westlife, her current favourites and my CD! Spent a bit of time on the computer going through my scrapbook folder and sorting out and printing out. It was a bit overdue for an overhaul if you know what I mean.
It feels like Saturday!
Nice minature roses. Enjoy your shopping on Thursday.
What healthy looking miniature roses Vicki! And I do my grocery shopping at Pak n Save, so the price was for there...fortunately we don't go through a great deal of chesse - and DH will stop at a yummo little botique chesse shop occassionaly and pick us up some cheese that tastes divine - but you pay for that pleasure! Hope you and Tanya have a great day out today...I'll be thinking of youas I'm busy working (think 45, 4 year olds here...)LOL!
I wish we had a Pak n Save nearby. Unfortunately the closest supermarket (by FAR) is Foodtown. Not the cheapest at all! But I have already told Rob to cut back on the cheese consumption. He uses 6 slices of bread for his lunch everyday and has cheese on most of them. So now I've told him he needs to have something else on 2 of them ... I even suggested that pate or caviar would be cheaper!!! LOL ;-)
Enjoy your "me" time and shopping with Tanya! Sounds fabulous! I'm a LOT jealous (I have to work).
Gorgeous miniature roses! Have fun shopping.
On the price of cheese note. My sister used to live in Christchurch and she often comments on the price of food in general. it seems to be that food down south is alot cheaper up here in the north. But if everyone knows that then there could be a mass exodus to the south.
Gorgeous roses Vicki!
Reading your post has reminded me of a cheese special this week at Countdown - $6.99 for a 750g - must shoot in there and stock up! lol!
Have a great time shopping with Tanya :)
Lovely rose pic. Hvae a cool day out with Tanya.
Love the pic for the day ... and hope you two girls enjoyed your day out shopping ... you may not have enough money left over for any grocery shopping after you two have been together ... lol
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