Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Days

First of all here is the Day 15 of 29 photo. So totally me - notes left on the bench to remind me of what I have to do during the day.

Now for the fun stuff. Had a lovely lunch out yesterday with Andrew before racing off to watch Aaron at the swimming sports. OMG - my camera is just fantastic. I was sitting across the pool from him and could zoom in right on his face. Sooo funny just snapping away as he was mucking about with his friends - until he spotted me. Got some cool photos. After reading in Yvettes blog about the sport - Aaron gave everything a go. He got a couple of seconds and a third which was great considering there were only 3 of them swimming in his age group - he was chuffed. The parents were great and clapped all the swimmers especially the last ones. Great school spirit.

To top off yesterday I got happy mail times two. Mrs Frizz sent me a RAK which was just perfect for a layout needing a couple of finishing touches. Loved the tags and flowers. Thank you so much. Also got one from Trina McClune after commenting on her blog - lots of Heidi Grace stuff - papers, rub ons etc. Thanks Trina.

Andrew went out last night just to get a couple of things for Alexias coupon book and topped up my phone as well (so romantic of him) but he did spend up big at KMart as they had 15% off Lego and he bought a huge remote controlled bulldozer for Aaron for his birthday which he wanted and is now safely hidden away. I thought we were saving money!!!

Just remembered also that Andrew got voted in as Chairman at the primary school on Monday and have the high school in the next week or so as well.

We are supposed to be off to the rugby tonight but it is bucketing down and our seats are outside. We have a meal beforehand under the stands and supper after the game all put on by Andrews work so hopefully the weather improves otherwise we will sit inside and watch the screens.

Today have just found out that my layout of Alexia has made its way onto the SE blog - soo cool. Thanks Hannah for choosing it. So am feeling pretty damn pleased with myself.


Anonymous said...

I am soooo like you with the notes! I leave them everywhere. There is one which stays permanently on the table by the front door. It says "Ethan's drink bottle and togs/towel" because he has taken to wanting his water bottle frozen overnight so it's "really cold" during the day, and they are going swimming most days in the school pool.
I'd be lost without all my little notes to remind me of things!

Well done to Aaron! You must be so proud. So awesome that he gave everything a go.

Yay for getting happy mail!

Oh, and it was my pleasure to choose your layout - it's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love happy email. I am a list and notes person too.Well done Aaron and Andrew. Well done on the spotlight at SE being shone on you, that was a great layout.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow so much top be happy about right now!
Such fantastic news about Aaron, he did so well! And good on him for giving everything a go. Love the photo too.
Yay you for being spotlighted on the SE blog. I loved that layout the first time I saw it too!

Mrs Frizz said...

I'm a notes girl as well ... gotta have it written down these days, just in case I forget ... but 9/10 I have my notes written in shorthand ... lol ...

And I could have written anything.

Anonymous said...

Love the notes such a great way of keeping track and well done to Aaron to such an awesome effort :)

And you LO so deserved to be choosen it was stunning :)

Trace said...

Love getting that happy mail, and how cool that your in the spotlight this week!